M1 manual

last update: 4 April 2024

Stereo preset panning mixer that can drive two headphones.

The two stereo outputs send out the same signal and are buffered individually, one Stereo big jack and one Stereo 3.5mm jack.
The panning is preset, they will pan according to the jack position (left jack is left side, right jack is right side).
The inputs are passively filtered, the top jacks are passing all signals, but the lower you get the percentage goes up and the more the low frequencies will be cut. The percentage number on the silkscreen gives a indication of how much panning is going on.

The module has a width of 35mm that is 7HP. The depth is 2.5mm from the top panel.
Power consumption is not allot.

Assembling instructions:

Solder tip: Solder the pots small pins at no more then 280 degrees for no more then 2 seconds, more can kill the pots.

All SMT components are already soldered onto the PCB, you only need to solder the big 2x6 SMT header power connector and the THT parts.

First solder all small components, the instructions are under the pictures.

  1. 220uF capacitors (check images and silkscreen for polarity)
  2. 3x2 header (for possible extra inputs)
  3. 2x5 SMD header
  4. 2x 100k potmeter (solder flat to PCB)

  1. Put all jacks in and pots, can solder now or later.
  2. Cut switch legs of big jack, and bend legs over flat, then solder wires (see image above).
  3. Solder big jack to PCB (see image above).

Solder everything.

Should look like this