To see how the tracker works, you can load songs by clicking on the [INSERT SONG] buttons. They are located at the bottom of this page.
The columns at the top contain numbers that are links to the columns with the P's below them. To select one you add a number, 0 is column P0, there are 32 P columns so the highest number you can use is 31.
After every entry of a new line should be added.
Wrong:1 0 10 31
The P columns contain the playback comands of the youtube clips. The first variable is the volume, and the value after the 1st comma is the starting point of the video. The value after the 2nd comma is the repeat value.
After every entry of "volume,starting point,repeat" a new line should be added.
Wrong:100,0 0,1,2 50,20 40
Correct: 100,0 0,1,2 50,20 40
Also Correct: 100,0 ,1 50 ,0,3
The [X] button mutes a track.
The 4 [>] buttons enables playback of a track.
The [0] button toggles between resetting the total sequence position, or continuing it (1 is continue, 0 is reset).
The 1 [>] button starts and stops the total sequence.. it also resets, every tracks playback position.
The field next to the 1 [>] button, sets the playback speed.
The field under to the 1 [>] button, should be used to search for videos.
The [EXTRACT] button, can be used to extract the song data to the textarea below the [EXTRACT] button.
The [INSERT] button, can be used to insert song data to the tracker.
The [SAVE SONG] button, can be used to save a song to the archive (this button appears after 1 minute.)